End of Month Review



The Hobbit: Do you like The Lord of The Ring? Yes? Then The Hobbit will NOT let you down 🙂 Everything, the landscape, the myriad people and things, is so vividly described in this book that I dearly hope the movie is as good…  And yes, the plot,  so Tolkien!



Chicken Soup for the soul at work: It brought tears to my eyes… My heart warms knowing that there are so many wonderful people in this world 🙂



Until You:  It started off like the other Judith Mcnaught stories I read and I was wondering whether to continue or not… Then came the twists and turns and before I knew it, I was at the last page of the book 🙂



The Hound of the Baskervilles: AMAZING!!! I read this after watching Game of Shadows and it worked magic on my imagination. Will they make a movie out of this? I hope so 🙂





Titanic in 3D: I badly wanted to watch this epic movie on big screen and I’m so glad my wish came true! The BGMs rocked! And the grand splendor of the movie was breath taking ^_^



Men In Black 3: Loved the young K ^_^ lovely twist near the end. J of course was hilarious and amazing!!



Ip Man : It moved me so very much.. I don’t normally like bloodshed or violence but this movie is a must watch!



The Dark Knight Rises: Predictable in the beginning but amazing twists at the end! Loved Cat woman – Batman combo  ^_^ People say that the movie’s background is awesome but I was busy looking at the subtitles 😦


The Lion King:  Very beautiful 🙂

End Of Month Review: Movies

The Avengers: 

When Von asked me to book tickets for this movie, I was like

and for the next five days when he constantly kept saying Avengers this and Avengers that, I was like

On the day of the movie, in the theater, when Von was going all crazy, I was like

BUT after the movie started, lil Saku chan (me) was like

The movie was MIND BLOWING!!! loved every bit of it! Will watch it many more times at home ^_^

Breaking Dawn part 1 :

I love all supernatural things, sparkly or not 😀


Happy Feet:

How can you possibly not like singing and dancing penguins?! ^_^


Finding  Nemo:

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Goes right into my list of Must watch!!


Puss in Boots :

Strange, Bizarre, folktale mania!



The Secret World of Arrietty:

Watched anime after a looooooooooong time.. a very relaxing movie to watch on a lazy afternoon or a rainy one 🙂


Real Steel:

Heart Warming 🙂


The Three Musketeers : 

A little bit of POTC, a little bit of Sherlocky 😀


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2:

Little Harry was so adorable! I’m going to have a Potter movie marathon one weekend.. Such a wonderful magical world 🙂


End of Month review: Movies

Okay, this post was originally meant for January but I had a lot of work back then and couldn’t post 😦  Since I didn’t watch any movie this month, I’m sure this will make up for it 🙂


Sherlock Holmes- A Game of Shadows: This requires a full page review but I’m lazy so here goes the few fine lines.

Fact: The word AMAZING has been specifically invented for this movie.

The ending was pure PERFECTION.

Sherlock (Downey Jr.)  and Watson (Jude Law) are LEGENDARY creatures ( You know that already, don’t ya? 🙂 )

The movie? It was AWEOSME I TELL YA! ^_^


17 Again: I wasn’t expecting much when I sat down to watch this movie. But boy was I in for a surprise! The way Zac Effron handled turning back to 17 was wonderful. It moved me 🙂

The Sword in the Stone: A Disney classic! Don’t miss it guys! 🙂


Ice Age – A Mammoth Christmas: Awesome or not, its Ice Age people. Of course you MUST watch.

The Last Airbender:  It was weird. Ang was dramatically emotional and things happened very fast. Way too fast X_X  But the fights using the four elements was worth watching  ^_^ I loved the anime series though and it is indeed very difficult to squeeze one entire season of the anime into a 2 hour movie .

Legally Blonde :  Just put up with all the squealing and it makes a really good watch ^_^

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